Top>International Medical Support Center

International Medical Support Center

International Medical Support Center

What is International Medical Support Center?

International Medical Support Center is specified the acceptance of international patients. We provide interpretation and translation service, arrange the appointment, and claim to insurance company. Also, we organize information of international patients who come from inside/outside of Japan to prevent any confusion inside of the hospital, and inconvenience for patients in our community.


Tel +81-467-46-9931 Fax +81-467-46-9932 Mon-Sat 8:30-17:00 (Except Japanese national holidays)



We have English, Chinese, and French speakers. For other languages, we will provide interpreter from outsourcing contractor or phone interpretation.

Interpretation service

If you need an interpretation service, please contact International Medical Support Center by email or call prior to your visit.
English, Chinese, and Frence speaker may assist you during business hours (Mon-Sat 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) For other languages, we will provide interpreter from out sourcing contractor or phone interpreter.


General Consultation Service Hours

【Morning hours】

12:30~ * Hours vary by department

【Afternoon hours】

12:30 ~ * Hours vary by department

※Some departments are by appointment only. Consultation Service Hours may vary by department. Please ask the clerk at the reception desk or call +81-467-46-1717 for further details regarding operating hours.

Days Closed

Sundays and Holidays

Shonan ER

Open 24 hours a day 365 days a year

※For more information, please contact us at +81-467-46-1717 or Fax +81-467-45-0190 or contact us.